THIS GAME IS NOW IN TIMED MODE!! This may take a few days to correct, to play you must:

1. Set 1st Box to -1

2. Set 2nd Box to -2

3. Press Start

4. Please Enjoy and wait for the next update


Water Pollution is a fun and educational  game to play when you are bored, (Normally right now because we are in lock down.) so this is my science fair project when I was at school a while back. To win every level you will have to clean water. I am not going to spoil what happens but sometimes you can't do anything to clean water. Are you sure? I made this game to see how much children can learn from playing Video Games, but that's not completely why, the world is being destroyed at the moment and I want people to help, most people won't but if you do comment below and I will comment back =). As long as there are not too many comments. you can also download a script called "scrpit.txt" to go on with it.

How well can children learn from playing Video Games?

I will make a kahoot and send it to my siblings aged 6, 6, 8, and 9 (average  age 7 ¼yrs). Then I will get the average amount of answers and put them in here. I will then MAKE the game and send it to my siblings and then I will do another kahoot after they play the game. This should give me a rough answer on how well children learn from playing video games.

Kahoot 1: 59.5%

Kahoot 2: 84%

I think that the children will learn quite a bit. I feel like the children will get about 2/10 questions right in the quiz and about 7/10 after the game.

- UNtired coderman123

P.S: I'm not that tired now after a few months.


scrpit 2.6 kB
Water Pollution Windows 96 MB
Water Pollution Android 7.3 MB

Install instructions

download scrpit and yeah.


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